1. Why when I clicked on run.exe, a black screen popup and disappear immediately? No tool's login screen appear?
- This problem is because Java is not installed correctly, please re-check the Java installation
- With Windows 7 or Vista 64 bit, please try clicking on start.exe file
2. After login successfully, why the tool does not display game's map? And it does not fire when pressing Del button?
- Kindly check the part of your screen above game's map, to see if it's blocked by anything. To let the software work, the game's screen should be displayed totally ( especially the top right corner)
- Above the map, there are two buttons (green and red). The green one needs to be displayed fully (not blocked by anything) (Often, when IDM is running, it will show a small box that block this area) You may also try dragging the browser's scrollbar up and down so the green button may appear in full.
3. Why the green button is displayed correctly and the tool still does not show game's map?
- Because the tool's mechanism is processing image, so the image must not to be distorted
- You may check if your browser is zoomed (zoom in or zoom out), because when it's zoomed, the image is different and tool can not process
- You may also check if your Windows is displayed in 32bit mode or 16 bit mode. With Windows XP, you right click on Desktop, choose Properties, choose Settings, you will see the setting for 32.16 bit display
4. When in 2vs2 game, after first opponent is killed, the tool keep on targeting the ghost of the first guy. How to set the tool to target the second guy?
- Please hold ~ button then left mouse click on the other opponent.
- This is the manual target technique. With this, you may fire at anywhere on the map.
- Hint:You may also fly to anywhere on the map
- To make the tool comes back to the default targeting mode, please hold ~ then right mouse click
5. Why the tool fire at 49 or 51 when it shows 50 in the power box?
- If you are using Windows 7 or Vista, right click on Desktop, choose Personalize, scrolldown to choose Basic Display (Windows 7 Basic)
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